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Membership Classifications

General Member

Adjunct Member

Student Member

General membership is available to persons engaged in the practice of trichology or in other supportive industry/practice or academic areas in medicine, nutrition, science, and product formulation.

Available to persons interested in the objectives of the Association, but not qualified for general membership. Adjunct members are entitled to all general membership privileges except they cannot vote or hold elected office within the Association. Adjunct members are qualified to become general members after 5 years of membership in good standing.

Available to students who are enrolled in a state-approved cosmetology school, barber school or recognized trichology program. Student members are entitled to all general membership privileges except they cannot vote or hold elected office within the Association. Student status can only be assigned once throughout a member’s lifetime, including those who have reinstated their membership and student membership will last for a duration of one year. Future membership status will be assigned general or adjunct, depending on qualifications.

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